【同义词辨析】 2019-05-21 执意inflexible-adamant

inflexible: implies rigid adherence or even slavish conformity to established principle: ~ in her demands.   slavish盲从没有创意主见to follow or copy without original ideas,来自slave奴隶,如a slavish adherence to the rules墨守成规

inexorable: implies relentlessness of purpose or ruthlessness or finality or, especially when applied to things, inevitableness: the ~ path of progress.   finality最终的不能改变的being final and impossible to change,如we have to accept the finality of death我们必须接受死亡的不可改变性,固定搭配to say something with finality表示已经下决定,不想再讨论了,如there was a note of finality in his voice他的话斩钉截铁

obdurate: stresses hardness of heart and insensitivity to appeals for mercy or the influence of divine grace: an ~ governor who refused to grant clemency.  grace除了表示动作优雅attractive and well-controlled movement外,还表示上帝或胜利者的恩典宽大willingness to grant favor or make concessions,如新约new testament最后一句是the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. 愿主耶稣的恩典与众圣徒同在,如the victor's grace in treating the vanquished胜利者宽大地对待被征服者;还表示宽限期,如they've given me a month's grace to pay the debt他们给我一个月宽限期还债)

adamant: suggests extraordinary strength of will and suggests utter immovability in the face of all temptation or entreaty: was ~ that the project be completed on time. (entreat请求to ask or request urgently,一般指请求别人改变主意,如entreated him to change his mind请求他改变主意)

inflexible坚持: 指十分严格甚至盲目地遵守原则,inexorable不可改变: 指目标坚定讲情改变避免,obdurate执拗无情: 强调心肠, 不仁慈宽大,adamant坚持: 表示意志坚定, 不为请求诱惑所动

记忆方法: 1)首字母IIOA中的AI想成爱OI想成老想法Old Idea<==执意

        2)执意的意思是不愿改变既定路线目标mean unwilling to alter a predetermined course or purpose.   alter小改动,大改动是change